- Please complete the trial registration by clicking on the link sent to your registered email. After a month-long trial, we will contact you with an opportunity to purchase the screwdriver at a discounted price.
- During the trial, you are required to complete designated usage and testing tasks provided by us. After the trial period, please fill out the feedback form regarding your user experience and suggestions.
- After the trial period, we will send a feedback form to your registered email. Please fill out and reply to this form within the specified time to help us understand your user experience better.
- No, participation in the trial is free of charge. After the one-month trial, if you decide to purchase the product, you will be eligible for a discounted price.
What is the duration of the trial for the screwdriver product?
- The trial period lasts for one month. After the trial, we will get in touch with you to provide an opportunity for purchasing.
Whom should I contact if issues arise during the trial period?
- If you encounter any issues during the trial, please contact our customer service team. The contact details will be sent to your registered email.
Are there any additional rewards or promotions after the trial ends?
- Thank you for participating. After the trial, as a user who has previously placed an order, you will have priority to purchase the screwdriver product with a special discount. Keep an eye on our official announcements for further details.
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